Aug 15, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships, Transformation
Ever experienced doubt about the level of trust you’ve built at work? Do you wonder where you stand? Not just with your boss, but with other key people? Unsettling, isn’t it? You’re not alone. Six months ago, I worked with a VP of Operations. He was a gifted...
Aug 3, 2016 | Leadership, Transformation
Doubt. Unsettling, isn’t it? Like a rock sewn into your shoe. Yet, doubt’s embedded in your DNA. It evolved to be a strength. A trigger to pick up your head, look around, and consider if you’re using your time and energy effectively. If you’re...
Jul 26, 2016 | Leadership, Transformation
We hear a lot about spotting and escaping toxic bosses. Bosses who behave in ways that cripple trust, bog down progress, and hold people back from achieving their best work. You want to run away from these people. But what about the toxic boss in your own head? Are...
Jul 20, 2016 | Leadership
You want to be a leader who thrives. You can’t thrive if people don’t trust you. While I’m in the trust business – and have been for 25 years – I’m not alone in placing a premium on trust. Harvard Business Review recently released...
Jul 19, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships, Transformation
You’ve inspired me. Your feedback to my last couple of posts has been…prolific. It’s not just the shares and likes. Thank you for the calls and emails. “Dennis, your points are spot on. The one thing I hear most from my students is about the lack of trust in...
Jul 12, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships, Teamwork
Easing up. Handing over the reigns. Letting other people take control. Encouraging them to call the shots. Easier said than done, right? Especially when the stakes have gotten so high, the margins so slim, and the competition so fierce. Trust me. I get it. I’ve run my...