Jul 5, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships
“It is well with me only when I have a chisel in my hand.” – Michelangelo I don’t do well when I don’t know what to do next. When I spin. When I’m riddled with doubt. I actually feel physical pain when I’m deeply uncertain about which course of action...
Jun 29, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships, Transformation
Do you remember when you learned to read a stop sign? Probably not. You were pretty young. But now that you know, you can’t go back to seeing just a bunch of white squiggles on a red background, right? You’re aware. This awareness is potent. It keeps you from hurting...
Apr 21, 2016 | Leadership, Transformation
The manager who took his manufacturing plant from lowest to highest producer nationwide within 18 months. The VP of Finance who increased engagement by 25% and got a faltering $30 million initiative back on track. The Nursing Director of a renowned research hospital...
Apr 12, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships, Transformation
I was just in Manhattan facilitating a trust workshop. Women leaders from all over the metropolitan area had rolled up their sleeves, ‘gone to work,’ and stepped into real conversations about trust. In a powerful truth-speaking moment, one woman asked a provocative...
Mar 31, 2016 | Leadership, Relationships
Often people tell me how they struggle to speak the right words to keep trust alive in their workplace relationships, especially in emotionally charged moments. They don’t know what to say to put a sensitive issue on the table…revisit a comment that disturbed...
Mar 24, 2016 | Leadership, Organizational Culture, Relationships
We just sat down with Dan Loney of Wharton’s @BizRadio111. What a cool guy. We loved talking with him! Dan asked provocative questions about how trust works in our workplace relationships. Our conversation was stimulating, and we know you’d benefit from listening to...